Other activities

Salewa Cube

Salewa Cube

In 1974 there was inaugurated the biggest indoor climbing wall in the word at Bolzano. In May 2011 the wall was extended giving the sensation of “climb indoor – feel outdoor” by bilding the “Salewa Cub”.

Opening hours:
Monday to sunday from 09.00 am to 23.00 pm.
A journey of discovery along the Wine Route

A journey of discovery along the Wine Route

Enjoy a delightful day discovering South Tyrol´s excellent wines. The adventure starts with a walk through the vineyards to approach the art of vinedressers and a taste of some glass of local wines.
Night of cellars

Night of cellars

During this night the wine cellars along the wine route are open. Admire the antique vault, old wine barrel and special wall painting.
Knight story

Knight story

Takes you to the Medieval and entertains you with cabaret, satire and anarchistic dramaturgy of nowadays.
The long night of Museums

The long night of Museums

The long night of Museums is an initiative that involves the museums, the castles and the Municipality of Bolzano offering, in addition to various exhibitions and art collections, cultural and scientific, music, art exhibitions and guided tours to color and warm the autumn night.  From 04.00 pm to 01.00 am 7 museums have opened their doors for all the visitors.